Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It's been a while now since I last posted, and though I'm sure I could come up with a hundred legitimate excuses to explain my absence I will just sum it up as this:  Friends, I've been in a funk.  I've been spending far too much time feeling blue about all the things that aren't going my way, and not enough time feeling thankful.  So from now until Thanksgiving, I will be posting about the things that have been getting me down, and find a way to turn them around and be thankful.  This is more for myself than for anyone else (though I'm thrilled to have you all following along!) because I need to get back to "that place" where I don't just say it, but I truly believe-- God is Good, ALL THE TIME!

Day 1

Today, like many days, I am feeling cut off from the grown-up world.  Because we are trying to save money, Ben and I can't just go-go-go and do something out in public (where I might actually interact with an adult) every day.  I've been feeling lonely, and have a serious case of cabin fever!  But today, I choose to be thankful for a husband who not only provides for us financially, but also has the good sense to (together with me, of course) set a conservative budget for our spending.  I am also very thankful for the opportunity to stay home with Ben; though it does limit my own adult interaction, I know the benefits it provides him are worth it a million times over!  And last but certainly not least, I am very thankful for a neighborhood park where Ben and I can get out of the house and have lots of fun!  (For free!)  I praise God today for these gifts, for He is good ALL THE TIME!

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